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Surrey Area of NAFAS and Associate Organisations

For more Club events click here

Dates for Area Council Meetings:

All held at the Ashtead Peach Memorial Hall for 10.30am start
2024:   18 March; 24 June; 30 September; 25 November: 10.30am AGM: 1.30pm.

2025;   17 March; 16 June; 22 September; 24 November :10.30am AGM: 1.30pm.



5 to 7 July:

NAFAS Teachers Conference in Leamington Spa - for more info click here 

13 July - Surrey Area Show
26 to 28 July: 

NAFAS Residential Weekend “Highland Fling” Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel - read more

19th/20th September 2025 - National Show
20-31 August 2025 Seminar by WAFA in Australia
March/April 2027 - WAFA Show in Australia
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