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Surrey Area List of NAFAS Qualified
Demonstrators, Judges, Speakers and Teachers

Door Wreath to support NHS in 2020 by Linda Mumford


Alphabetical List of Demonstrators, Judges, Speakers and Teachers



  • NEW Full Alphabetical list of Contact Details for all  Surrey Area NAFAS Demonstrators, Judges, Speakers and Teachers - read more . . .



  • Are you a Surrey Area Club booking a Surrey Area Judge, Speaker, Demonstrator or Teacher then use the new electronic booking form

       -  read more. . .   





A collection  of foliage by Gail Bearman


How to . . . .



  • Guidance using the new email Surrey Area only Demonstrator/Teacher/Speaker engagement form

  • read more. . . 


  • need to make a change to your record in the Area List  - read more . . .


       Tel: 01737 844944

       Mobile: 0778854180                             Email:

        read more . . .




Arrangements produced at a workshop not using oasis


Demonstrators, Judges, Speakers and Teachers



  • AREA Workshops - Our next workshop is scheduled for 27 November 2024 with Richard Twistleton.  Booking Opens 24 June 2024 - for more detail click here

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